Men hate to cook but love to grill. Let's look at our next "grill".
This type of Grille we're talking about appears on your car and we all know how men feel about cars. Look no further than Ludacris and his song "Southern Hospitality"
Cadillac grilles
Cadillac bills
Check out the oil
My Cadillac spills
Need I say more? The grille on the car has always been a big deal, even back in the muscle car days. Observe:

Next, of course, are grillz. Now, granted, girls get grillz, however, it's mostly men who choose to dress up their teeth with bling.

Sexy I'll take item No. FKG-S106
Finally, we look at the verb form of being "grilled". Again, usually it's a male police officer, except on Law and Order, doing the "grilling" of a certain suspect.

So, you tell us, what is it about the word "grill"?! Do men have some sort of monopoly on the word? I mean, seriously? Seriously. We need to do something about this ladies. We need to give the word "grill" new meaning. Do whatever you have to do.
Decorate your teeth.

Pose in front of your car grille. Um, you don't have to do it like this but, you know.

Go out and "grill" a guy.

Oh yeah, the new Grills will be all about Girrrrllllzzzzz!
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