Monday, March 23, 2009

A Better Bracket Bet

So maybe your bracket is blowing everyone in your pool out of the water...or maybe not. In any case, the Sweet Sixteen games start this Thursday and if you've already stopped caring about who's going to win (or if you never cared much in the first place), we've created a better (mini) bracket bet for you and your girlfriends because who really care about who wins and loses these things anyway? Oh, right...guys. So, what do we, as girls, care about? That's right, HOT GUYS :) Therefore, in order to make watching Sweet 16 games easier on the eyes, we have created a Mini Bracket of hotness.

Below you will find a bracket with only the Sweet Sixteen teams, and we'd like to note that all the hot men we featured from last week have survived. Now, instead of predicting the winner of each game based on highest score (because that was SO last week), we want you to predict which team will have the hottest scorer.

For example, let's take the match-up between Michigan State and Kansas. Let's say that the game ended with Kalin Lucas scoring 14 points for Michigan State and Sherron Collins scores 17 points for Kansas. Sherron's hotter than Kalin, so Kansas would win (regardless of if they won for real or not). In our game, how they do on a scale of 1 to Brad Pitt is more important than the number of points scored.

Most number of right picks wins. We'd suggest betting a bottle of wine or a round of cosmos with the girls. We'll put up our predictions tomorrow and results next week. So it doesn't always have to be about the games...sometimes a little friendly competition, cosmos and watching ripped men run around are all you need.

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